
About OApol
Professionals On Line

We founded OApol in 2016 as researchers, in reaction to a predatory scientific publishing landscape, manuscript mills, editorial malpractices, unfair or non-existent peer review, publication charges, and non-compliance with editorial periodicity.

Our work is powered by a team of world-renowned researchers and supported by generous funding from our sponsors and non-profits, committed to a strong set of values that keep us focused on our goal of open access.

Our objetive
Guarantee the best experience for the researcher with a specialized directory.
Raise the scientific and academic quality of Scientific Journals, Editorial Collections and pre Prints, with our requirements set out in OApol and OAindex.


Only specialized and periodical publications are registered (Previously evaluated by the Editorial Board of OApol).


Why OApol?

Most trusted directory
In OApol, only titles that comply with their periodicity and, above all, specialized ones are considered.
Presents Flow of Citations by titles
The first directory that considers the Citation Flow of a journal.
Free Open Access distribution
OApol helps to improve the positioning of the title in global metasearch engines.
Professionals On Line


OApol is the information directory from which Professionals On Line intends to reflect the scientific activity of scientific journals, editorial funds and preprints in terms of open access policies, citations and references, openness and exploitation rights of scientific publications. OApol is the first specialized scientific directory in the world where it houses: Scientific Journals, Editorial Collections and Pre-Prints.

OApol (Open Access Professionals On Line) is a network directory of Scientific Journals, Editorial Backs and Pre-Prints, which disseminate Open Access throughout the world, mostly research results. OApol only admits SPECIALIZED RESOURCES that meet the quality criteria required in its minimum 95%. Registration in OApol is free, it offers two information services:


OAindex – (Open Access Index Professionals On Line) Presents only high-impact SPECIALIZED Scientific Journals, Editorial Collections and Pre-Prints, showing statistics on: Trust Flow, Citation Flow and Historical Index, guaranteeing Open Access.


OApol – (Open Access Professionals On Line) It is the best online directory in the world of Scientific Journals, Editorial Collections and Pre – Prints that disseminate (Open Access) throughout the world, products and results of investigations in their majority, OApol only admits SPECIALIZED RESOURCES.

More OApol

OApol (Open Access Professionals On Line)

OApol Directory, with information data

1. OApol Directory, with information data (ISSN, Creative Commons Licence, Editorial Board, Open Access, New Submissions and Type of arbitration) of scientific journals, editorial collections and registered printed and online pre-prints.

Composed of Scientific Journals, Editorial Funds and Pre-Prints

2. OAindex, made up of scientific journals, editorial funds and online pre-prints that fully comply with the highest specialized quality standards. It offers open access to the registered manuscripts that are part of OAindex. We will show the Trust Flow, Citation Flow and Historical Index of each registered resource that ensures continuity, good research practices, periodicity and continuous improvement.
Ranking Scientific Journals
Ranking Publishing Funds
Pre-Prints Ranking (New)
Professionals On Line
Directory OApol
Professionals On Line


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