Why is OAindex the most trusted directory?
Statistics by specialty

The only directory in the world specialized in scientific journals, back-lists and pre-prints
OAindex (Open Access Index Professionals On Line)

Professionals On Line
Oaindex the first specialized directory in the world
OAindex is the first directory in the world backed by one of the best metasearch engines in the world, where it presents high-impact specialized titles. To belong to OAindex you must meet the Application Requirements.
About the Evaluation
All the evidence requested in the Application Requirements must be sent to the email oaindex@professionalsonline.org where the OAindex Editorial Board will evaluate the title carefully and in detail (The evaluation will take between 3 to 6 months by the OAindex Editorial Board).
OAindex is a sponsor of Open Access for the entire scientific community and the general public, providing high-impact specialized titles.
Note: To belong to OAindex you must first be registered in OApol or Latindex.