
Professionals On Line

Professionals On Line


OApol (Open Access Professionals On Line) is a network directory of scientific journals, editorial collections and preprints that disseminate Open Access worldwide, mostly research results. OApol only admits SPECIALIZED RESOURCES that meet the quality criteria required in its minimum 95%. Registration in OApol is free, it offers two information services: Our work team promotes open access around the world that benefits researchers in their entirety, with SPECIALIZED scientific journals, editorial funds and preprints.


OAindex - (Open Access Index Professionals On Line)


OApol - (Open Access Professionals On Line)

Professionals On Line

The best directory in the world
All specialized resources

Professionals On Line

OApol (Open Access Professionals On Line)

OApol evaluation

Our highly experienced specialists in editorial management evaluate each proposal severely to guarantee the quality of the scientific directory.

ISO 9001:2015

We are in the process of certifying the best directory in the world with ISO 9001:2015 (OApol and OAindex)

OApol presentation

We have an interactive directory and a powerful search engine, where all the OApol specialized resources can be found.

Do you want to find a Scientific Journal, Editorial Fund or specialized Pre Print to send your manuscript?

OApol is the first directory that contains Scientific journals, Editorial Funds and specialized Pre-Prints, according to your lines of research and specialty as a researcher.


OApol guarantees

We seek to guarantee the best experience for all researchers in the world, showing continuity in our evaluation and publication process.

1 +
Titles under evaluation
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Editorial Board
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Countries reached
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Citation Index


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